Tag Archives: Anything in Return

Album Review: Toro y Moi – Anything in Return

18 Dec

It really is only a matter of time until we lose Grooveshark forever, isn’t it?

Yesterday, I attempted to review this album for you all, but unfortunately, the stream I was listening to only had the first 9 tracks.  I have stopped downloading leaks, so I was stymied for a day.

Never fear, Grooveshark is here, allowing its users to once again propagate the Internet with leaked albums, free and clear (for me anyways).

Toro y Moi has been a bastion of Chillwave since its inception way back in 2008.

Chillwave, for the uninitiated, is dance music that has high levels of trance qualities.  It’s hard to rectify the idea that Chillwave and Dream Pop have anything in common, and yet there is this intrinsic link between the two.  Chillwave is like Dream Pop’s unruly child, trying to do its own thing, while still carrying on the traditions and values of its mother (Dream Pop is a woman).

If you were to trust Rate Your Music on this one, Toro y Moi had the first Chillwave album, 2008’s My Touch.  Three albums later, he continues to ride the wave into what may prove to be his best release yet.   Continue reading