Tag Archives: Rihanna

Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop songs of 2010

19 Dec

In what shall now become a yearly tradition, I will bring to you my favorite moments in the commercial pop scene from 2010.  Please, folks, remember, I’m only calling it big and dumb because I love.  Inclusion on the list pretty much is given to songs that get a shit-ton of radio play.  Or, in this year’s case, song’s that were written by bands that get a shit-ton of radio play.

Onwards! Continue reading

Super Short Review: Rihanna ~ Loud

17 Nov

This is going to be a short one, but I just had to get the good word out there that Rihanna has redeemed herself in my estimations.  As you may recall…I did not like Rated R…At all.

While this album may not be a return to the heavy/dark beats of Good Girl Gone Bad, at least the album has a pulse, there’s life flowing through the veins of these tracks, and it’s a really really fun listen. Continue reading

Best Albums of 2009: 90-81

18 Dec

I’ve been working on this damn list all year, I’m going to document it in full somewhere.  While there are still about ten more albums I’m going to listen to before the close of the year, I’ll wrap them up before the end of the year at some point.  Regardless, Onwards!

Continue reading

Dear Rihanna,

30 Nov

Timbaland is your friend.





I considered that being my entire review of Rated R, but I couldn’t help myself, I need to say more.  How can you do me like this, Rihanna?  Good Girl Gone Bad (and especially with Reloaded) has some of the funnest songs with the greatest beats.  How…how can this chilled out, pretty much flat, beatless album be your follow-up?  I was scared about this thing when I heard “Russian Roulette”, but I kept my hopes alive, because, even before Timbaland and Good Girl, you wrote great music.  But there is NOTHING about you that I like here.  Nothing, Rihanna.  You have broken my heart.


Signed, once more,


P.S. – I wrote this before the album was quite finished.  The ending of “Cold Case Love” is really good, you should keep doing things like that.

(And, for those at home, this is sort of an album review, 2/5)