Tag Archives: Best of 2009

Ashley’s top 5 of the 2000s…6 months later.

14 Sep

Time has passed, friends, and I don’t know how many of you are still out there, but I realize I abandoned you with unfinished business.  That wasn’t very nice of me, now was it?

In honor of the most recent album release by someone involved in what I believe is the greatest album of the 2000’s, nay, the greatest band of the 2000’s, and because the end of the year is fast approaching and I want somewhere to post my favorite albums of the year in ;), here it is:


*rummages through word files*

*grumble* I know you’re in here somewhere *grumble*

AHA!  You’re an excel file….

Anyways, onwards

5.) Girl Talk – Feed the Animals (2008)

Perhaps some would find this an unfair inclusion as there isn’t a whole lot of original music on here, and to those I say :raspberry:.  I thought, after the first highly enjoyable listen to this album, I would no longer find it all that worthwhile, that the shtick would get old fast.  Nearly two years later, and I still use this album to either celebrate any happy occasion in my life, or to cheer me up when I’m feeling low.  It has edged into almost every moment in my life.  No longer can I listen to “Jessie’s Girl” on the radio without busting in on the chorus with a little announcement about how much rather the lead singer would prefer “getting head”.  I can’t listen to Journey’s “Faithfully” the same way, I can’t even listen to all of Aphex Twin’s “Girl/Boy Song” without having some kind of inner inclusion of the music that would follow it on Feed the Animals. And this isn’t a complaint, I love the hell out of every one of those moments.
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(Ashley’s) Best Albums of 2009: 10-6

28 Dec

So, company has arrived (eeeeeee), and I had to skip one more day on this.  That’s ok, as Cassie seems to have taken up the mantle of lizstofyin’.  Today, I will continue to attempt to NOT mention some of my favorite tracks of the year, but, I obviously enjoy many songs on these albums, or they wouldn’t be in my top ten, so I can assure these will still be justly done reviews.  WDANORS!

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Best Albums of 2009: 20-11

27 Dec

Well way hey hey, here we are.  The top 20.  Hope you don’t mind that I nipped out for Christmas and Christmas Eve.  I’m sure you 5 readers can understand.

So, anyways.  This top 20.  Wow.  What a great bunch of albums, I mean, I realize I’ve only been listening to a lot of *new* music since the end of 2007, but, this is some seriously good stuff here.  I’ve worked hard all year to be sure that this top 20 is as strong, for me, as possible, and I’m pleased with the results.  On and Wards. Continue reading

Best Albums of 2009: 80-71

19 Dec

It’s begun to occur to me that the name of this blog post and those following and preceding it, is a tad misleading.  I don’t think all of these albums are particularly good, but since I already started with the name, I’m just gonna stick with it.  Anyways, carry on, shall we?  Also, the numbering on my list is already off, since I’ve added a few more albums, but I’m going to go ahead and skip those newly added albums for now and sum them all up in a post at the very end of the year, so, Onwards. Continue reading