Tag Archives: fun.

Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop Songs of 2012

9 Dec

It’s been TWO YEARS, guys.  What the hell?  I apologize.  And to make up for it, I’m resurrecting Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop Songs.

Last year was not a good year for pop and I, and I failed to come up with even ten songs worthy of the honor.  I had contemplated making a list of just “Super Bass” and “We Found Love”, but that would have been silly.

This year didn’t fair so well either, as it turned out, but the reason is two-fold.  1) I didn’t listen to more than 5 pop albums total this year and 2) I’m thinking of changing the rules for this list to include songs that PEAK in the calendar year.  Too many songs are released right at the end of the previous year and take months and months to peak, making them ineligible for any year list.

Well, enough with my diatribe, let’s get on to the TOP TEN! Shall we? Continue reading

Ashley’s Top 50 Albums of the 2000s: 50-41

20 Mar

A day late and a dollar short, but let’s do this thing shall we?  A word of warning, I don’t feel like I was none to aware of the events transpiring musing-wise this past decade, and as a result, I know this is not the greatest list of its kind that you will read.  I don’t have a lot to say about all the entries, and I will not always try, but let’s enjoy this little countdown anyways.  Along the way I’ll try to share with you a bit about my various mishaps with music this decade, this is the time when I first really began to acknowledge the music world outside of what my parent’s listened to, and it was a very special time for me.  Hopefully I can share some of that with you.
Also, once upon a time this article was all nights with album covers, but until I can figure out how to make WordPress not a stupid piece of shit, you’ll have to deal without them.

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Ashley’s Top 5 of 2009!

30 Dec

Here we go people.  We have arrived.  It’s the *DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUH* top 5 of 2009 according to A$l3^, as I’ve changed my name to.  Continuing as I did yesterday, the embedded videos aren’t my favorite tracks from each album, but, they’re incredibly good in their own right. So, let’s get on with the show, I’ve padded this out long enough.  !SDRAWNO

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