Tag Archives: Ke$ha

Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop Songs of 2012

9 Dec

It’s been TWO YEARS, guys.  What the hell?  I apologize.  And to make up for it, I’m resurrecting Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop Songs.

Last year was not a good year for pop and I, and I failed to come up with even ten songs worthy of the honor.  I had contemplated making a list of just “Super Bass” and “We Found Love”, but that would have been silly.

This year didn’t fair so well either, as it turned out, but the reason is two-fold.  1) I didn’t listen to more than 5 pop albums total this year and 2) I’m thinking of changing the rules for this list to include songs that PEAK in the calendar year.  Too many songs are released right at the end of the previous year and take months and months to peak, making them ineligible for any year list.

Well, enough with my diatribe, let’s get on to the TOP TEN! Shall we? Continue reading

Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop songs of 2010

19 Dec

In what shall now become a yearly tradition, I will bring to you my favorite moments in the commercial pop scene from 2010.  Please, folks, remember, I’m only calling it big and dumb because I love.  Inclusion on the list pretty much is given to songs that get a shit-ton of radio play.  Or, in this year’s case, song’s that were written by bands that get a shit-ton of radio play.

Onwards! Continue reading

The Ten Worst Albums of 2010

10 Dec

The first year of a new decade.  As we begin to wrap up 2010, you’ve got to wonder what the future holds for music.  Are we just rehashing the same old scene again and again, or is there something truly new and original happening around us?  As always, I like to believe it’s a little of both.  Once again I listened to far too many albums than what is good for my social life, and once again I am unhappy with the order I have them ranked in.  So instead of airing my self-hatred out on the blog, we’re going to do something a little different this year.  As the month of December progresses, I’m going to be updating the blog frequently with lists here and there.  All of it eventually culminating in my top 70 of the year.  Continue reading

Ashley’s Favorite Big, Dumb Pop Songs of 2009

4 Jan

I was going to do a list of my favorite songs of 2009, but who needs that when there was so much FANTASTIC pop music this year that I haven’t said a word about?  Ok, so pretty much I’m completely embarrassed by this list, but I would be in denial if I didn’t make it.  You see, this year wasn’t just a year where I really immersed myself into new music, but it was also the year where I came back around to loving pop music.  It was a good time to do so, because, honestly, the genre has changed a lot, or maybe I just have a more ironic sense of humor nowadays.  Either way, for three months this year I worked at a restaurant that forced me to listen to pop music for five hours straight each day I worked, and this particular station replayed the same songs again and again and again and again.  Where I should have grown to hate the music, it actually ended up accompanying me through many of the events that transpired the rest of the year.   So here’s a top 15 that would, if not for slave labor in an ice cream shop, never have been!

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