Tag Archives: Mosquito

2013 – The Year in Lists – 5 Worst Album Covers

17 Dec

Hey, not bad, I only left the blog to shrivel up and die for four months this time!  I’m proud.

Well, of course, it’s that time of year again.  Time for me to share my thoughts to the world on what music was like this year.

I had thought that this was going to be another slack-off year for me, as far as number of albums I heard was concerned, but when I look back, it was actually a great year.  I fell in love with a new kind of music, my friends and I have so-dubbed it “TumblrCore” after some horrible reviews written by Pitchfork, saw more concerts than I ever have in a single year before and, most importantly, was reunited with some of our favorite acts who decided that 2013 was just too good a year not to come out of the woodwork’s once more.

To start off a year of positives, then, of course, means that the first list I’ll be sharing with you is:  The 5 Worst Album Covers of 2013!!! Continue reading